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Bailey's Metal Products Ltd.
The Strength Within


Shaftwall Systems

To meet all your specifications, both CT and CH systems are available from Bailey. There are extensive lists of UL ratings for both systems. Please refer to particular wallboard manufacturer for particulars of the Shaftwall systems.  For additional technical details, please contact one of our technical sales representatives at 1-800-668-2154 or e-mail us at

The CH System is produced under license and control of USG Corporation.  The CH System is readily available and stocked at all Bailey locations.  This Shaftwall System is widely tested and used to meet rigorous requirements.  For assembly details, ratings and all specifications; please refer to

The ClarkDietrich CT Shaftwall System is distributed in Canada by Bailey Metal Products Limited. The CT Shaftwall System provides fully tested and approved assemblies for shaftwall construction.

For assembly and all specifications, see

CT Stud Profile

CT Cavity Shaftwall Studs are rigid high-performance members engineered to maintain shaftwall integrity. CT Studs are designed for use with 1" thick gypsum shaft liner panels. CT Studs are friction-fitted between top and bottom J-Tabbed Track.
Gypsum shaft liner panels are inserted into the stud flanges. The flanges provide an airtight friction fit along the length of the panel. Studs are automatically spaced 24" o.c. maximum. The system is finished with fire rated gypsum board to complete and achieve the designated fire rating.

J-Tabbed Track Profile

J-Tabbed Track is used at the floor and ceiling in shaftwall assemblies. CT studs and gypsum shaft liner panels are friction fit between the top and bottom J-Tabbed Track. J-Tabbed Tracks have unequal legs. The longer leg (available in 2-1/4" and 3") is installed against the shaft. The leg provides a backstop for easy installation of the liner panel. Three-inch leg track is typically used as a jamb strut around closure details, including duct and door openings, abutments and intersections.

J-Tabbed Track



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